
HEAD ROAR / Headroster
Machi Kodama
Grew up in Los Angeles, USA. After graduating from college in Washington, DC, he returned to Japan. While working in the apparel industry, as a consultant, and as an English teacher, she became interested in coffee roasting and started roasting her own coffee using a sample roaster.From 2019, she will be learning barista skills at a cafe in Harajuku. He also obtained an international certification, Q Arabica Grader, in order to learn coffee tasting techniques in earnest. In October, he started his personal project "Lily& Coffee" and opened a store at an event in Yamagata. 2020 will see the introduction of Giesen, the official roasting machine for the World Championships. With his natural brightness and inquisitiveness, he continues to train his roasting techniques in pursuit of the new generation of specialty coffee.
- Roast Masters Team Challenge 2019 KantoA team (#1))
- CQI licensed Q arabica grader (2019-)

Quality Control / Seminar Lecturer
Sho Takanaka
After working part-time at a coffee shop for two and a half years during his college years, he became obsessed with espresso, purchased his own espresso machine, and organized café events. After graduating from college, he continued to hold regular café events while working as an engineer. 2016, he became interested in roasting and started roasting his own coffee using a sample roaster. 2018, he decided to learn about coffee in earnest and obtained the international certification Q Arabica Grader, and has served as a judge in numerous coffee experience as a judge for competitions. With his footwork, he is active in out-of-the-box activities such as providing coffee space, social gatherings, and traveling coffee.
Activity results
- Japan Coffee Royalting Championship 2018-2019 Sensory Judge
- Japan Coffee in Good Spilits 2019 Judge
- Roarst Masters Team Challenge 2018-2019 Tohoku Team
- CQI lisenced Q arabica Qrader (2018-)
- SCA lisended Coffee Skills Proglam : Brewing foundation lavel
- SCA lisended Coffee Skills Proglam : Barista foundation lavel
- JCQA Certified Coffee Instructor Level 2