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下り 新宿発10時00分 スーパーはこね3号

上り 箱根湯本発11時38分 はこね2号















6月18日(土)に、よりすぐりのコーヒーロースターとスイーツの店が特急ロマンスカー・GSE(70000形)対象列車の車内に出店します。この企画は、ロマンスカーを通じて「沿線の魅力をお客さまに伝えたい・思い出に残る乗車を提供したい」という想いから、列車の運行管理を行う「運輸司令所」の係員が中心となり企画した期間限定のイベントです。今回参加するお店は小田急沿線のクリエーターとのマッチングプラットフォーム「Odakyu Creative Alliance」を活用して決定しました。ご乗車の際は、各店のこだわりが詰まった最高の味わいを是非、ご堪能ください。皆さまのご乗車を心からお待ちしております。



ou.bai.tou.ri coffee roasters(コーヒー)




下り 新  宿発10時00分 スーパーはこね3号

上り 箱根湯本発11時38分 はこね2号


✶注意事項1 運行異常時は販売を中止させていただきます。

2 提供数には限りがございます。在庫がなくなり次第、イベントは終了させていただきます。

3 販売場所は、4号車の車販準備室付近となります。

4 コーヒーロースターとは、コーヒーを生豆の状態で仕入れ、焙煎して、卸売りまたは小売りをする業者のことです。



-ENGLISH ver.-

Big news!We are pleased to announce that we have received a wonderful opportunity to participate selling our coffee on the Odakyu Romance Car! Over the past six months, we have been preparing for this event by discussing the concept and the choice of coffee bean.This will be a one-day special event. We hope to make your trip comfortable and memorable on the Romance Car. We will serve you delicious coffee with all our heart...!

◎ Details of ou.bai.tou.ri’s

"Special Coffee and Sweets Sales Event"

Saturday, June 18Outbound Departure: Shinshuku, 10:00 a.m., Super Hakone 3Inbound Departure: Hakone-Yumoto, 11:38 a.m., Hakone 2 *Sold only between Shinjuku and Odawara 

◎Item to Be Sold

- Hot Coffee with an impression like strawberry short-cake 

(*Includes a postcard of Geisha riding a train)

- Single Serve Coffee Bag Set (Limited to that day)

If you would like to enjoy a train trip with us and our coffee, please make your reservation as soon as possible.

---From Odakyu Electric Railway Co.

"Special Coffee and Sweets Sale in The Romance Car GSE (70000 type)"

On Saturaday, June 18, specialty products from best coffee roasters and sweets shopss will be on sale in the Limited Express Romance Car GSE (70000 type).

This is a limited-time event planned by the staff of the Transportation Control Center, which manages train operations, with the aim of "conveying the charms of the train lines to customers and providing memorable rides" through the Romance Cars.

The participating stores were selected through the "Odakyu Creative Alliance," a matching platform for creators along the Odakyu rail line.

We hope you will enjoy the best taste of each brands's specialties when you ride the train. We sincerely look forward to seeing you on the ride.


✶ Date of the ImplementationSaturday, June 18

(ou.bai.tou.ri coffee roasters)

Product Offered: Hot Coffee with an impression like strawberry short-cake

✶ Payment Method

Cash or PayPay

✶Train (Same for Both Days)

Outbound Departure: Shinshuku, 10:00 a.m., Super Hakone 3

Inbound Departure: Hakone-Yumoto, 11:38 a.m., Hakone 2

*Sold only between Shinjuku and Odawara 


1 Sales will be suspended in the event of operational abnormalities.

2 The number of tickets offered is limited. The event will end when sold out.

3 Sales will take place near the Preparation Room on Car 4.

4 A coffee roaster is a company that purchases coffee in its raw bean state, roasts it, and sells it by wholesale or retail.
